Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Come Out of the Closet, Dems

All the calculating nuisance by the Dems to whatever crap the Repugs have pulled gets us nowhere. I'd love to see a proposal like this thrust into the public view and completely supported by the Dems. Make the damned repugs respond. Their proposal is window dressing and we all know it. Damn tomorrow or ten years from now when we might be in power and have to play by the same rules. If that day comes, we'll change em.

We've got to starting playing the game like they do, ruthless, take no prisoners, political hardball.

Same approach with Iran, we have to be crazier then the Repugs. It does no good to point and say, "we told you so." Dems have to come up with a plan to stop that nuclear threat, something crazy, something that shows security is tops on our list and we'll go to any length to accomplish it. Something the Repugs wouldn't dare do. Air strikes, SOFs, whatever.

This approach works in two ways. First, it begins to change how Amer preceieve the democratic party, and this is not happening currently. Secondly, because the Dems have no power, know one can call our bluff. But they are forced to respond to it.

Think Kennedy and the bay of pigs.

Iraq is the same way. we are already there and most Amer agree in principle with the invasion. Therefore dems need to support that war, but point out that they could have done it better, with less lives lost and less money spent. How, buy being realistic about the endeavor rather then a god damned cowboy.

The Amer people want strength and security, well lets give it them. Would you trust Patton to run Iraq? How bout Kennedy to deal with Iran? How bout Eisenhower to deal with NK? (oops)
Come out the closet Dems and see the new reality!

The dems want to differentiate themselves in the political market place. Voters want beer, Dems want to give them wine. WRONG!!! Give them better beer, more interesting beer, cheaper, beer, beer with more alcohol. You get the point.

When is Marketing 101 gonna sink into Dean's head? When he stops being afraid, that's when.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Were Is the Outrage?

Abramoff cops a plea that has all of Washington shaking in its boots, yet the GOP chattering classes that include the 101st Fighting keyboarders, GOP radio hacks, and the usual GOP TV guys have only one thing to say, a single talking point...Dems took money too.

That my friends is BS. That my friends is a ironclad indication that the RW chattering classes are truly partisan hacks for the GOP and shows what cowards these guys are.

To the Rushes and Redstates of the world, its party over country. I always suspected as much.

Abramoffgate is pure political corruption that affects us all and erodes our democratic process and every MSM, blog, and talking head should be screaming indignation and outrage to the high heavens. But you could hear a pin drop from the RW blogsphere. And Rush and his dittoheads keep repeating to themselves that the Dems took money too, while Fox and MSNBC focus on anything but Abramoff (mine deaths, Sharon's stroke, another Iraqi car bombing, and jobless rates).


This is political corruption at its worst. This is the GOP political machine taking money to make favorable legislation. This is K-Street exposed. This is serious. And the only reason Dems are not involved is because the GOP locked them out of most of the lobbying deals.

I used to be a Republican. But when the Calif. GOP canned Richard Rairdon (ex LA mayor and moderate GOPer) and nominated Bill Simon, a very rightwing businessman with no political experience but a love of Jesus, it occurred to me that the GOP was not the party I thought it was.

And I've learned this lesson again by the complete silence I hear from the right regarding Abramoff. The GOP is not the party of small government, limited taxation, pull yourself up by the boot straps, and balanced budgets. Its just a party, a greedy, sleazy, arrogant party helping itself to the fat of the land, drunk on arrogance and power.

The silver lining in this mess is everyone in washington is exposed for who they really are. Politicians (mostly GOP) are sleazy, the RW noise machine are cowards, and the Democrats still won't come out of the closet. Very nice.

The only heroes in this country beside our fighting men and women are the prosecutors exposing these arrogant bastards to the light of day.

I hope half the House of Rep, GOP and Dem alike, fall in this scandal and we put the fear of God into these corrupt bastards!

And I hope the American people WAKE UP! and make their displeasure known on election day.