Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bugman Gets Stomped

DeLay gets indicted and steps aside as GOP House Leader.

Had to happen, the guys been too aggressive for too long. I hope that Texas DA has some real evidence. I know he's got some big balls, that is for sure.

Note to GOP Radio Hacks: DeLay is a crook and everybody knows it. Shilling for the man only makes you look like more of a party hack then you already are. Have some integrity.

More later.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Good Choice Mr. President

Roberts seems Ok.

Look, I don't like GW because he's in bed with Christian religious fanatics and dangles the collapse of the Establishment Clause like a piece of meat to hungry dogs. He's also a lousy speaker and not what I would consider representative of the leadership style, cunning, and wisdom this country has to offer, from either party. And, typical of Big GOP, he's all about Status Quo economics which serves only rich corps.


I do think he made a decent choice with John Roberts for SCOTUS Chief Justice.

Yet there are democrats on the Senate Judiciary committee who will not vote for him because Roberts will not answer certain questions. A friend of mine suggests that the democrats started this by Borking Bork. Now nominees simple don't go there.

But I say, look at the guy. No one can be on the hot seat and pretend for five days under withering questions. I think the guy is conservative but not a ideologue and I approve. Besides, the dems need to save thier bullets for the next nominee who could be a real crazy.

But I have democratic friends who hate him simply because GW nominated him, or should I say because Rove did. And after that little email exchange from someone I consider very bright, I realize, I'm not a liberal, I'm a moderate. And Roberts is a moderate choice.

Hell, he could turn into Godzilla once on the bench, but we can't know that.

So I say, gulp, good choice Mr. President.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Nice One!

You've not doubt heard that when a writer pitches a movie idea to a busy movie exec, its helpful to encapsulate the idea in a single line or two. For instance, Surfers who rob banks-describing Point Break.

Well, tbogg, bless his sunny and 70 degrees heart, has come up with a sentence that encapsulates the entire Bush administration as well as the entire conservative movement:

"Absolute certainty trumps reality every time."

read it here

Imagine the movie that gets made with that line. I'm thinking of Brazil with a Rovian twist.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hey Republicans, Chill Out!

Your boy Roberts is gonna get in. Don't assume tough questions from Dems mean they don't like the guy. They do. The entire country likes the guys. He's gonna get a lot of votes. Its the job of Senators on the Judiciary committee to ask tough questions, to put the guy on the hot seat. So far, he's done real well. Certainly knows his stuff.

Its obvious the Repugs have not had a nomination in a long time and are feeling insecure when the guy is a slam dunk. They don't know how to handle what I see as standard tough questions. Should the Dems just kiss the guys ass?

So chill Repug, its going to be fine. Looks like Bush made a good decision; a conservative one, which is he prerogative, but a good none the less.

Roberts and the SCOTUS

I've been following the nomination hearing and Roberts is impressive. He seems sincere and passionate about judicial and is certainly atticulate and thouorghly knowledgable about the law.

But I'm afraid, becasue of something he said off handily that had nothing to do with the law. Roberts mentioned that he was visiting the Senators and other dignitaries as part of is perparation for the hearing. But one name made me grimance, Karl Rove.

Roberts visited with Karl Rove. Gee, how do you suppose that conversation went. Karl Rove has been quoted as saying that SCOTUS appointments are the most important aspect of the current conservative movement, but no pressure Judge Roberts...

It scares me that karl Rove talked ot the guy. Is Roberts the ultimate stealth nominee perpared and polished by Rove to appear moderate until he gets on the court, then (I see Karl with his remote control in hand) turns into an arch conservative determined to puch this country backward 100 years?

Just asking.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Exposing the President

I don't blame Bush personally for the Katrina disaster. But what has got him in hot water, certainly with liberals and even moderates, is his cavalier attitude toward the entire tragedy and that exposes an attitude that disturbs me.

Bush is not now, nor has he ever been working for the American People. His presidency has never been about making lives better, rather its been about helping the rich/corporations, bending over to special interests, prosecuting a bellicose ideology, and promoting the conservative movement.

So when Katrina hit, he and his handlers where completely clueless. When 911 hit, they immediately saw that tragic event as a political opportunity to express American might to the rest of the war by hunting down those cockroaches with flight training. But what was the political angle on Katrina, what is the political opportunity to exploit?

"Dunno. Well, what should we do boss? Wait for Karl to get back?"

I've made this point on several blogs already; somebody like Giuliani, Schwarzkopf, even Powell would have the natural leadership talents to lead the Katrina disaster relief. But Curious George has no such talent regardless of how he is directed from the footlights and it showed in the week following the hurricane and levee break.

So, no, the death in New Orleans isn't Bush's fault, but the fact that we've been told he is a great leader for five years now and then when the time came to lead and he's back reading my pet goat with his dammed thumb in his mouth, pisses me off to high heaven.

I want to scream, 'You elected him, this is what you got. The guy can't piss in public without Rove holding his hand."

Its a shame and if Katrina is good for anything, hopefully it shines a bright light on this President makes people more skeptical and critical of his policies. And maybe for future Presidents, American will demand real leaders, not just empty suits who play one on TV.

Friday, September 02, 2005

New Orleans and Bush

Not sure if Bush can be blamed for the New Orleans disaster, but this is a perfect example of the Bush team failing to get out ahead of an issue. He was on vacation when the disaster struck and now he's playing catch-up and looks bad.

The Dems have had the same problem with Iraq, playing catch-up and looking like weenies. New Orleans could change that.

As callus as this is, while the media covers New Orleans, the Dems should come together with a cohesive plan for Iraq, steal from Juan Cole if need be, and have it ready when the New Orleans story cools down.

And here is the slight of hand. Bush has a plan for Iraq but doesn't want to present it yet because the situation is too fluid; they don't want to be caught holding the bag. But the Dems can claim the same plan or close to it, with little or no risk because they, of course, are not in power.

They have everthing to gain and nothing to lose

Here is are the gains:

1. Shows the Dems to be a solid body under control and displaying leadership even in the minority
2. Dispels the spin that Dems are the cut and run party.
3. Gets out in front again on the Iraq.
4. Put Bush/GOP on the defensive.

Its political sleight of hand as in, "look, over there, a bear," but it would work. Once we are out in front on Iraq, we continue with other issues, stating our position, showing strength and leadship while Bush plays catch-up from now through Christmas.

Come on Ried, get back in the ring and start punching.