Friday, November 05, 2004

Breakfast and Coffee

BBC asked Americans why they voted for Bush. Read a few and you see what is going on here. Propaganda overcoming fact.

They say truth is the first casualty of war and the War on Terror is no different. Article

But consider too that both sides put out propaganda. It just that red state types believe it and regurgitate back to the BBC.

It's identical to the way fundamentalist religions brainwash their flocks.

Rove is a genius. Or maybe the devil.

Here is another interesting article from the CSM about world reaction to Bush. Article

Reading these you get the impression that the world sees American as all Bush lovers. I guess let them have their day.

Sharon is dancing in the streets. To learn why, visit Juan Cole and read this excellent guest blogger.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Intolerant American

Bush's victory is the start of a Christian social agenda that includes a ban against gay marriage, RvW overturned, and the erosion of separation of church and state.

Iraq, Afghanistan, the budget, health care, and the environment pale in comparison to turning America into the Great Christian Nation.

Why are fundamentalist Christians so intolerant? Intolerant of other religions, of gays, of abortion, of liberals, of science, of evolution?

Fear I think. Fear combined with that happy feeling of Christian security, that God is on their side and that Jesus is guiding their lives.

Well, now the fundamentalists are in power and it will be hard to get them out.

Even more troubling is that they were put in power by people who want a Christian social policy.

It's not the America I thought I lived in, not any more. Its the new, intolerant American.

All this talk about Dems generating new ideas and creating a fog machine similar to the GOP for 2006 and 2008 is happy talk. Even Saffire today talked about how the political pendulum swings and that it will swing our way soon.

Well, it won't.

It won't because nearly half of America has chosen love of religion over love of country and the GOP is happy to go along that slippery slope. All candidates in the future will have to proclaim their religion and if your not the right stripe, don't bother running. The right stripe is Christian, of course.

So, are the democrats going to get more Christian then the GOP, as many Dem pundits have suggested? are we going to preach gay tolerance to fundamentalist. How long before evolution is not taught in schools any more? They have already killed stem cell research (except in CA).

Do you see the trap we are in. Once the GOP decided to make religious fundamentalism its main plank and that strategy got a mediocre president elected for a second term, the entire country slipped down the slope of religion.

The Roman empire lasted 500 year before it became a Christian empire. Then the trouble began.

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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

My Fellow Americans?

50%+ of my fellow Americans voted for Bush. Here is what they will get:

  • Overturn of Roe v. Wade
  • Chilling of environmental law
  • More tax cuts for rich
  • Bigger budget deficits
  • Iraq into Vietnam
  • Attacking Iran/Syria
  • Continued alienation of the World/UN
  • Continued support of Sharon/Israeli aggression
  • Three right-wing Supreme Court Justices
  • Ban of gay marriage
  • Continued erosion of privacy and civil liberties
  • Chilling stem cell research
  • Continued faith-base decision making
  • Ignoring global warming
  • Ten Commandments in schools and public places
  • Fundamentalist Christian American
  • Rumfield
  • Rice
  • Ashcroft
  • Neocons
  • Cheney

This are what you voted for Bush fan!

Why drink the Kool Aid?

911? Osama? Religion? Gay marriage? The hype? A longing for traditional America? Because Jesus told you to?

I'm sad today not for Kerry and the democrats, but for American citizens who failed to think and pushed this great country further to the rightwing conservative Christian fundamentalist right then it has even been.

Good work, idiots.