There Will be an WMD Investigation
Well, everyone realizes there has to be an investigation. It's the timing of it and how to control it that's on the table now. Get the GOP hawks on the intel committee to do, sure.
Start now and the report comes in October. Delay a month or two and push it past November.
An investigation is the only way out for the Admin. Without one, they will constantly be on the ropes with WMD Qs. With one, they say it's an on-going investigation.
They are stonewalling for now, so the investigation starts late and ends after Nov. Takes WMD out of the election debate.
Look at Plame, a story with no legs. But it will hit the fan, when the admin wants it to.
Rove and Hughes, another working weekend.
My New Theory
The thoughts and musings of a father of two.
Friday, January 30, 2004
Thursday, January 22, 2004
WMD, a Gaff?
I still don't get the WMD gaff. They must have really believed Sadam had the stuff because it’s too embarrassing now. Rove must be pulling his hair out.
Imagine a future presidential debate. When war questions start coming, the first one will be "where’s the WMD"? What is Bush going to say? All the other crap he's done can be spun one way or another. Taxes, environment, the deficit, and even the war itself, spin, spin spin. But WMD is black and white. Its either there or not there, and guess what, its not there.
What is he going to say?
10. They are all hidden in Syria. My 76 year old mother-in-law believes this. She told me yesterday when I asked her where was the WMD.
9. They are still buried and we will find them. We have 10 old guys with metal detectors right now, sweeping the sands of Iraq.
8. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, I still believe Sadaam has WMD. Have they done a body cavity search on him yet?
7. It was just a ploy to get the country to go to war, What are you, stupid?
6. Ask my puppet master, Cheney.
5. We believe Hussain gave all the WMD to Osama, but we can’t find him to ask.
4. I never said unequivocally that there was WMD, I only referenced the remote possibility bout them Redskins, hiring Joe Gibbs. Great move! Next question.
3. We thought there was WMD, there wasn't. You got a problem with that?
2. Leers at the questioner and clicks his fingers. Two goons in suits take the questioner away to Getmo.
1. How dare you question the President of the US on such a sensitive issue. That is un-American. I think you are a terrorist. Clicks fingers agina. The goons re-appear. Another prisoner to Getmo.
Talk about handing fodder to your enemies, WMD is nearly a good as a stained dress.
Monday, January 12, 2004
I didn't catch 60 minutes, but of course, heard the hype. O'Neill isn't telling new stuff, he's just confirming what is pretty obvious. A disengaged president, a puppet to Cheney and others.
Safire as an op ed in the NYTs this morning (here) arguing that Iraq was important because it sent a message to the Middle East. But the piece misses the more important point that an Admin should not misled the public, lie to the public, when taking the nation to war. This Admin clearly did that. This Admin is clearly manipulative.
They Impeached Clinton for lying about an affair that effected three people, the Clintons and Monica. The War has killed thousands; a much bigger lie, but no impeachment. Maybe he will pay at the polls, but the Christian conservatives will get him in again. Maybe it will all collapse in the second term like Nixon or Clinton.
And let me state again my complete disgust with a worthless, disgracefully compliant congress-nothing but lapdogs in suits, scratched by Bush/Cheney.
And if you provoke me more, I'll tell you how I really feel.